Safe Guarding

Stroke Awareness

This course will cover the types of strokes, the symptoms, and risk factors. It will also cover the treatment options and the longer term impact of the condition.

Safeguarding Adults

This course is aimed at anyone who has a duty of care for, or comes into contact with, adults in need of care and support, either as a paid professional or a volunteer.

Paediatric First Aid

The aim of this course is to equip you with the theoretical knowledge, skills and confidence you need to deal with paediatric first aid situations. It covers all of the key topics including: emergency planning, assessing a situation, basic Life Support, CPR, shock, fractures, bleeding and a range of other minor illness and injuries.

Lockdown Procedure in Schools

This course will start by introducing the role of the lockdown officer then discuss some of the likely reasons for a lockdown, go over some of the steps you can take to prepare your school for lockdown as well as what to do in the event of a lockdown taking place.

Positive Handling in Schools

This course will start by looking at some examples and statistics which highlight the seriousness and extent of aggressive pupil behaviour

Dementia Awareness

This course is intended to give you an overview of the common types and symptoms of dementia as well as going into how it can affect the brain in different ways. It also covers strategies to use with clients with dementia and dealing with challenging behaviour. The course is intended for anyone who works with or around people that may be suffering with dementia

Basic Fire Safety for Care Homes

This course covers the same content as the Basic Fire Safety course with additional content tailored specifically for employees that work in care homes.

Safeguarding Children

This course, ‘Safeguarding Children’, is aimed at anyone who has a duty of care for, or comes into contact with children in their chosen profession.

Contact us today for more information on our training courses